Help Me Volunteer In Thailand And Laos

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Just got back from a short visit to Connecticut to visit the family . And although I missed the peak flower and gardening part of the season, I did show up for the prime sunflower veiwing part. Both my mom and my brother had some sunflowers planted as part of their gardens, but my brother injected his sunflower stalks with growth hormones or something like that as they actually topped out at over 12 feet high. I also included a few other pics of some of the flowers in my moms yard, just because I love flowers so damn much.


Brandon Lacy Campos said...

I love me some sunflowers too! I am going to put the picture of the sunflower that Charlotte just sent me from my garden back home up on my blog too. Totally copy catting.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Beauties everyone!!! I absolutely love sunflowers... probably my favourite!!! the taller and sunnier the better.. I'm amazed at how tall mine are this year, too.. now you are making me want to go measure them... think I will!!