Help Me Volunteer In Thailand And Laos

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Hello, well it looks like 2008 is coming to a wrap and since the remaining 2 weeks of December will find me traveling to Baltimore for the production of Alice in Wonderland featuring my artwork as backdrops and props, then on to a much needed rest in Florida for Christmas, I'm trying to get the December bug in the mail as early as possible to those who have already sent in their submissions .

With the end of the year comes the last of the 2008 series Berube-Bugs. Fret not, I'll be continuing the project into the new year, with a fresh batch of creatures. As long as you send them in, I'll send them out. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to the project over the past 6 or so months, and especially those "regulars" who month after month show me just how brilliant your talent really is. I look forward to the new year and all the creatures it may bring.


C. L. DeMedeiros said...


Awesome work!!!
Alice in Wonderland rules

David Berube BerubeArt said...

Hey C.L., Thank you. Much appreciated. I love your recent series as well.