Help Me Volunteer In Thailand And Laos

Friday, January 14, 2011


Early last summer I was asked by Ron Abram, Associate Professor of Drawing & Printmaking at Denison University, Granville, Ohio if I'd be interested in contributing to a printmakers portfolio addressing the subject matter of Equilibrium using Tom of Finland as the jumping off point. The portfolio will be exhibited as part of the SGC (Southern Graphics Council) International's conference being held on the campus of Washington University at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts, March 16-19, 2011.

Needless to say, I was more than thrilled to be given the challenge of creating my response to one of my favorite Artist/Illustrators.

Here is the direction I chose.

Initial Pencil Drawing Directly on Linoleum

Inked Linoleum

Hanging to Dry

Final Print


Brandon Lacy Campos said...

The middle picture is the best EVER!

David Berube BerubeArt said...

Thanks B!!!

inmanf said...

Hey D, Damn, typed a whole message and forgot to sign and it's gone. Anyway, Just wanted to say How Happy I am for YOU... You've always blown me away how quickly it happened.. from Wire Are, to Metal, to The Linocuts, I still like having your test pressings as before unless "B" wants them. I have a stack...
I like all 3, to see the changes and final of course.
Have a Great Day, I'll be on.. Thank YOU Both 4 Everything... I FEEL so Fucking FREE Now, Not Sad at all.... Just know it needed to happen for me to GROW, Move on,,,,, next, LOL! My Best as always to YOU & B, YOU ROWK>>>>>>>> inmanf

inmanf said...

Awesome how your creative mind comes up with so many different things/ideas/ master pieces! Your an Amazing Talent beyond words, I watched it for 10 yrs. blew away every time just how it flowed out so effortlessly.... You Rowk, inmanf