I've been communicating with High School Art Instructor, Barbara Burns, in Alberta Canada over the past year and somewhere along the way I mentioned that it would be fun to do a MailArt exchange with her students. I have fond memories of exchanging a handmade felt, (made from raw wool, start to finish), envelope and letter with all of the wording embroidered with an artist named Sas Colby while I was in High School and thought that I'd like to turn the tables and be the artist on the other end. Barbara agreed to the idea and incorporated a MailArt project into her curriculum with this years students and in addition to myself, a number of other artists have jumped aboard and are exchanging artwork with her classes as well.
Today I received the package with a bundle of 11 students decorated envelopes with their Artist Trading Cards or postcards included as well as a wonderful gift from Barbara Burns the instructor.
Below is one example of what I received, the rest of the images are posted on my "Portrait Mail Art" Blog and you can follow the trail back to the kids by checking out my "Portrait Mail Art Reply" Blog.
ROBYN BLACK / Athabasca, Alberta CANADA