Help Me Volunteer In Thailand And Laos

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So last night after dinner I decided to give it a go and finish up my attempt at the 3-color version of the Berube-Bugs cover in hopes that by some miracle it was all going to work out. Poor disillusioned me. It was exactly the nightmare I had anticipated from the beginning. By the end of the printing, I think I may have ended up with one print that has the registration of all 3 parts close to being acceptable. (I'm being generous) I'll figure out some other way to chop up the final printed mistakes and do something else with them but it really was a washout.

I've posted one of the prints with the screwed up registration so that you understand what I'm talking abt. and I also posted one of the prints that I played around with in photoshop to line things up a bit so that you could get a better idea of what the image would look like if I hadn't screwed it up. Still hate the colors, but here you go.

I'll be printing up the 1-color complete image probably later today when I get back from the other job.

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