Help Me Volunteer In Thailand And Laos

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Brandon and I recently added a new pup to the family. Mimzy, (her name prior to adoption), was looking for a new home and I had been scouring the JRT adoption and rescue sights looking for a female pup under a year old. 2 weeks into my search, her image popped up. I discovered that she was in Boston, contacted her parents and scheduled a trip to Ct. to pick up my parents truck for the 2.5, (each way), hour drive in the rain.

Her family had a new baby and it seems that Mimzy was none to pleased to be sharing the spotlight with a baby in addition to the other small JRT in the home.

She's an amazing little girl, 11 months old and the tiniest of Jack Russell Terriers I've seen in quite some time. She's still learning how to walk on a lead, it would appear that she didn't have a lot of experience outside in general so all of the noises and smells here in the city and all of the kids from the 2 grammar schools across the street are a true test to her adapting skills. Her walks are getting easier each time and on a wonderful note, within one day, Mimzy learned how to "sit" on command. It's only a hop skip and jump until she's walking herself.

B and I are grateful to have found the perfect match for the both of us.


Brandon Lacy Campos said...

She is the cutest, ever!~

Brandon Lacy Campos said...

She's a floor poopin' pee pants!