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Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Face A Day Status Report


As of today, I have a stack of 4.5.. X 4.5.. linoleums in various stages of being drawn that stands 49 high. Yeah, I..m way behind. I was doing well staying on schedule with drawing, cutting and printing until my trip to Columbus Ohio where I worked with my friend Delmas at his kitchen and only did drawings on pieces of linoleum for each day there despite my good intentions of planning on cutting some of the pieces while I was there.
I got back to NYC and started right back into cutting, printing and drawing daily images, slowly whittling away at the pile of linoleums until my freelance work schedule for the holiday season started up again and left me with very little time to cut and print any more images. Within a 2-week period, I worked 108 hours between 3 jobs. Needless to say, that led to the continually growing stack of linoleum drawings that I see before me now.

At times within the past week considered the option of ending the project and being satisfied with almost 3 months of images. Instead, decided that I..m going to keep going and set my possible end date as December 31st/January 1st. This way, I..ll at least be able to say that I rounded out the year, having done a face a day from my birthday on September 12th through to the end of the year. At that point, we..ll see where my mental state is, and I..ll determine at that point whether to continue with the project or call it quits. Wish me luck!!!

The images that follow are documentation of the printing process. They follow the process of the image created for November 29, my roommate Franks friend Adrienne from Portland Oregon.

Step 1: I used photo reference to draw the omage of Adrienne onto a 4.5 x 4.5 piece of linoleum.

Step 2: I cut the first areas of the linoleum out. This will represent the "white" or color of the paper in the final print.

Step 3: Print the first color. In this case I chose to print the peach color representing the midtones.

Step 4: Cut the next layer of linoleum out. (In my haste to print, I forgot to scan this step, Sorry!!!)

Step 5: Print the last color. In this case I chose a dark color to help give some dimension to the image. The first print is a print of the dark color alone, the second print is the final image with the dark color on top of the midtone color.

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