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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Print Exchange Project Completed

MAY 7 2007

Recently while trolling around in MySpace "Groups", (because I have nothing better to do, HA!!!!), one thing led to another and I found myself on the site at

They have this cool print exchange event that takes place once a year. This year there are 2 confirmed exhibition venues for Exchange V. One at: Sev Shoon Arts Center - Seattle, WA., the other at: Rainbow Bldg. Gallery at University of Miami: Coral Gables, FL.

The idea behind all of this is that any printmaker can submit an edition of 15 prints, they archive 2, and then send out the remaining 13 to other participating artists. In the past, they've had over 100 participating artists from around the world.

It sounded like a fun project, a way to share my work and get something back in return. Besides, I've needed to work on something a little different than the "Face" project. I have 70 images printed in that series and probably another 100+ images drawn out and ready to be cut and printed. A little change of pace is exactly what the Dr. ordered.

So.... here's what I came up with for the print exchange.

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